GoldenGem 2.4
Goldengem is considered to be one of the best of the neural network stock prediction applications.
Goldengem is considered to be one of the best of the neural network stock prediction applications.
It is a simple no-nonsense program, containing a sophisticated mathematical calculation, which has been very successfully used by a few top traders. Its StockDownloader downloads free data.
Select tickers, in capitals, separated by commas, including any that may influence the price you wish to analyze. Press Load then Run. Select your ticker on the right.
Select a number of days on the slider. You will see three traces going across the graph. The red trace is the historical price of your chosen ticker. The blue trace is a copy of this, advanced by the number of days on the slider.
The green trace is the neural net's attempt to match the blue curve, but using all loaded prices and volumes from the earlier time indicated by the red trace. Raise the sensitivity until the green and blue curves begin to match, and leave it running.
After a while, you can lower the sensitivity. If the green curve still matches the blue curve, this means the neural net can match the advanced blue curve based on loaded prices and volumes from the earlier time. It can continue this calculation for an interval of time an equal number of days into the future, and therefore give an opinion about the selected ticker at that time.
the green the neural the blue blue curve from the volumes from the earlier earlier time the sensitivity and volumes prices and neural net the red

Download GoldenGem 2.4
Purchase: Buy GoldenGem 2.4
Authors software
GoldenGem 2.4
Goldengem is considered to be one of the best of the neural network stock prediction applications.
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