data access shareware downloads
Search results for «data access»:
Silverleaf .NET Data Access Component 1.0
… a provider
OLEDB data provider
ODBC data provider
Oracle data provider
.NET Framework…
DataLinks: For Access Only 1.6
… llow business and IT users to quickly and easily access their Access databases. Writes SQL, easiest UI on the market today with simple preview data review.
Data direct to Excel or XML on the fly and easily create live links. Additional data sources available at Excel based data a…
Access-to-MySQL 8.1
… ual tables
merges MS Access data into an existing MySQL database
converts password protected MS Access databases
exports MS Access databases into a dump file
easy-to-use wizard style interface
MS Access (ODBC is not required)…
Oracle to Access 3.1
… onverts indexes with all necessary attributes
merges Oracle data into an existing MS Access database
command line support
converts individual tables
easy-to-use wizard style interface
Oracle client and networking components…
Database VE 3.0.2
… e files
Easily sort by clicking on column header
Search globally or by column.
Quickly query data by clicking the column or for advanced users, allows entry of SQL directly for flexibility.
Print selected data
Export and/or copy to the clipboard…
Word Link for MS Access 97 4.1
… w you can lay out the template by putting the mergefields in the right place, adding text, formatting, etcetera. You can now create documents by selecting the template from the selection form, the mergefields are substituted with the Access data.…
Access MySql Converter 1.7
… MySQL servers
* Works with MS Access 97 and 2000.
* Converts primary key and indexes with all attributes.
* Support autoincrement data.
* Support default values and not null constraints
* Allows converting multiple databases per session.…
Data Analysis for MS Access 97 3.0
… ation.
The addins in Data Analysis have a wizard user interface. The user is guided throughout the process of analysis and presentation. Starting point is a toolbar that is added to your database. Pressing the button starts the selected wizard…
Recovery for Access 3.2.19679
… version of DAO
Does not recover modules
Does not restore referential integrity properties in order to prevent data loss
Requires printer driver to be installed for the corrupted reports recovery. Otherwise the reports won't be recovered at all…
MySQL-to-Access 4.3.1
… nute on average P-III system)
converts indexes with all necessary attributes
converts individual tables
merges MySQL data into an existing MS Access database
easy-to-use wizard style interface
MS Access (ODBC is not required)…
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