Control Runner 3.4
Control Runner is a program launcher and manager for Windows that can substantially increase your productivity.
Control Runner is a program launcher and manager for Windows that can substantially increase your productivity. Control Runner is built on the popular MomShell program manager, first released in 1995.
There are two ways of launching programs on Windows systems: clicking on a shortcut placed on your desktop, or browsing the Start Menu. Both methods are fine when you have a few applications installed, but if your work depends on many frequently used programs, or your organization requires a consistent user interface, there is a better way.
Control Runner presents installed applications in a powerful and convenient tabbed interface, allowing you to group together related items, whether they are applications, documents or Internet links.
Selecting and launching the right one is a guaranteed two clicks task. No more guessing around. And you have control over how your system is organized, not depending on decisions taken by others.
Once an application is launched, you will have full control over it. Ever wished your favorite utility was designed as a tray icon application? With Control Runner any application is. Do you need invisible applications running in the background? Control Runner will hide them for you.
Do you want to prevent launching a second instance of an already running, huge application? Control Runner will take care of it. Want to hide all your sensitive data from prying eyes? Just click on the panic button before leaving your desk.
Whether you are a novice or a power computer user, you will enjoy the easy interface of Control Runner and benefit from its powerful management features. Volume discounts and site licenses are available.
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Control Runner 3.4
Control Runner is a program launcher and manager for Windows that can substantially increase your productivity.
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