Calculadora Inteligente 9.0.278
Calculadora Inteligente is a useful calculator that has a scrollable tape and allows you to save calculations as a text file or send them to the printer.
Calculadora Inteligente is a useful calculator that has a scrollable tape and allows you to save calculations as a text file or send them to the printer. Optional large screen display is very easy to read. Obtain the capitalized interest for installment plans, rule of three, capitalized amounts, and it even calculates your Ideal Weight, dates and times, etc.
This program reads and calculate values from clipboard and automatically saves calculations also to the clipboard. The undo function can undo or redo the last operation. It also accept entries (notes) in the calculation, has options to stay in SysTray and HotKeys to facilitate. The program supports English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

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Calculadora Inteligente 9.0.278
SanSoftware Computing
Calculadora Inteligente is a useful calculator that has a scrollable tape and allows you to save calculations as a text file or send them to the printer.
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