style editor shareware downloads
Search results for «style editor»:
JustStyle CSS Editor 1.3.3
… HTML documents.
JustStyle CSS Editor is a cross-platform application. Written entirely in Java, it works on different platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, IBM OS/2, Linux, Apple Mac OS, Mac OS X and others.
30 days trial…
EngInSite CSS Editor 1.2
… ent browsers and standards and preview your HTML page in the different browsers - this great tool will help you in that work too.
Concentrate on the look and feel of your web site and let EngInSite CSS Editor manage all the CSS jobs for you.…
OneManBand 10.0
… istings styles! Add the hardware that you already have in your PC to your arranger setup instead of paying big bucks for an arranger keyboard with a hard drive, enough internal memory and a large display!…
Rapid CSS Editor 2006 7.2
… ference
HTML and XHTML editing features
Search and Replace with Regular Expression support
Find and Replace in files
Multi Level Clipboard
Built-in File Explorer
FTP connectivity
Fully customizable interface.
30 trial uses.…
XML News Editor 1.0
… these includes anywhere on web page.
XML News Editor features
Easily integrated to any website (no database required).
No JavaScript or ASP knowledge required.
Sources available.
Changing layout order of news items with drag and drop.
Amiasoft SiteAid 2.30.223
… mmended
Approx 3.0 MB available disk space for installation
486DX or higher running Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0 disk operating system
8 MB of memory minimum / 16 MB preferred
10.6 MB available disk space for program installation files…
Style Studio 3.8.01
… K/XP look and feel.
Also includes a powerful color picker and advanced color management which let you import/export palettes, lighten, darken and convert to scaleGray as well as web-safe and named colors!
30 days evaluation period…
EZ HTML Web Page Editor Pro 6.0
… text editor, tables , text formating, links, banners and more
Built in web browser, scratch pads for reusable text, CSS Style Sheet Utility, FTP & Image Editor links and More.
You cannot save your projects in demo version…
Able Web Editor Demo 1.0.2
… illustrating how to create Web Pages using HTML and CSS.
The Free Demo is fully functional and has no time restrictions. The full version of the program offers more extensive information in the Page Samples and additional program features.…
Epsilon 13.00
… ound on the keyboard, and using keyboard macros, you can build simple new commands.
The remaining chapters of the manual describe how to use the Epsilon Extension Language, EEL, to make more sophisticated commands and to modify existing commands.…
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