report text shareware downloads

Search results for «report text»:

TranscendSQL Report 1.0 TranscendSQL Report 1.0
… e machine. In addition to, it also supports multilingual output, formula expression, generating sub-total and total figure and so on. TranscendSQL Report is developed by Visual Studio .NET so that it is fully compatible with .NET Framework.… 

DC Dynamic Report 3.74 DC Dynamic Report 3.74
…  title of the report and caption of fields, define report header and footer, define if you want to grouping data or not, showing group navigator or not, and finally define if you want to summarize data or not Limitations Expires in 30 days… 

Pascal Analyzer 4.0.2 Pascal Analyzer 4.0.2
…  Value Report Missing Property Report Form Report Events Report Limitations the reports do not always show complete results. There are also a couple of reports, the Reverse Call Tree Report and the Cross-Reference Report that are not generated… 

Notebook Report Writer 1.4.2 Notebook Report Writer 1.4.2
… owser and drop it into your text. Images can be resized and moved around just by dragging them around. Spell checking Our spell-checker steps through your text, finding words that are mispelled, highlights them, and lets you correct them quickly.… 

SourceSafe Reporter 2.1 SourceSafe Reporter 2.1
… : Report on all user login accounts for a SourceSafe Database. Report in the format you need: HTML - for online reading. XML - for database export. CSV - for spreadsheet analysis. RTF - for placing in a document. Text - for general use.… 

XL Report for SAP R/3 4.5 XL Report for SAP R/3 4.5
…  - Use any standard or conditional cell formatting - Use any standard worksheet or workbook option - Sort, group, and filter data including the use of AutoFilter - Add static or dynamic charts - Add static or dynamic pivot tables - And more.… 

txt2pdf 11.0 txt2pdf 11.0
… se txt2pdf like a pipe to convert every text or textual output speedly to PDF (e.g. reports from legacy applications, DBs, ERP applications, datawarehouse). It's simple to design background like invoices, orders etc.. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Smart Report Builder 1.0 Smart Report Builder 1.0
… ET control for creating templates and running reports with user-defined run-time parameters in PDF, HTML, and CSV format against a Microsoft SQL Server database.… 

Report Writer 1.1.3 Report Writer 1.1.3
…  helps teachers deliver great reports with a few clicks, stay organised with all your reports in one place, share reports over your school network with colleagues, show OFSTED, parents and school inspectors how report writing should be done!… 

Metakodix Stealth Keylogger Pro 1.2 Metakodix Stealth Keylogger Pro 1.2
…  Rights Required Unhide Password Protection Unhide Hotkey Combination Encrypted Log File Encrypted User Settings Records non-Latin characters Email Log Report Supports SMTP Authentication Supports Log Report Compression… 

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