Privacy Guard
Privacy Guard is a powerful software utility made to clean up the history of your tasks on a computer.
Privacy Guard is a powerful software utility made to clean up the history of your tasks on a computer.
The program is designed to protect your privacy by cleaning up unwanted history data, internet tracks and all other unwanted information on your computer.
Privacy Guard can easy and fast locate and wipe out all the sensitive data for you, by overwriting it with special patterns of data which will make any recovering impossible.

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Authors software
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Amic Utilities
Outlook Express Backup Genie is a program tool designed to simply create a backup or archive of your email files from your favorite Email Client, which may easily be restored later.
Privacy Guard
Amic Utilities
Privacy Guard is a powerful software utility made to clean up the history of your tasks on a computer.
File Locator 1.0
Amic Utilities
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Fast Tray 1.4
Amic Utilities
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Amic Screen Capture 1.2
Amic Utilities
Amic Screen Capture is a powerful and easy-to-use screen capture utility to capture full screen (include DirectX mode), windows, objects, rectangle areas of the screen by hotkeys or menu commands.
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Amic Utilities
Privacy Guard is a powerful software utility made to clean up the history of your tasks on a computer.
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