Onux-PC Security 1.5
Security tools designed for users to manage their user data and communications.
Security tools designed for users to manage their user data and communications.
* Password protected interface
* Virtual Keyboard to access program that defeats keylogging viruses
* Access password is case sensitve and can be as long as 1024 characters in length
* Secure file shredding
* Internet Cache File Shredding built-in to program and can clean with a few mouse clicks
* Blowfish encryption with single pass and multipass options. The ability to encode more than 32,000 files all at the same time.
* Base 64 encoding/decoding
* Byte Manipulation encoding
* Built-in unique file and folder exploring options
* Built-in System Info utility
* Built-in password manager via secure database (Fully user controlled and secured)
* Built-in secure chat interface for private chat conversation via any TCP/IP network especially the internet
* Retrieve local IP
* System short-cuts galore built-in
* And much more

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Authors software
Onux-PC Security 1.5
CronosLogic, Incorporated
Security tools designed for users to manage their user data and communications.
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