NumberInput ActiveX 2.0
The control element allows the comfortable input of (long) integer values, whereby incorrect inputs by the user become impossible.
The control element allows the comfortable input of (long) integer values, whereby incorrect inputs by the user become impossible. It is freely adjustable in its size.
The size of the represented control sub elements and the size of the displayed numbers adapt automatically. The input of the number can be made directly in the text field or indirectly by the two buttons.
If one of the buttons is clicked, the number, that was typed in, becomes smaller or greater by one. If a button is kept pressed however, the number typed in increases and/or decreases each second by the scrolling difference selected for NumberInput.
NumberInput also allows the input of negative (long) integers.
the number the input the size allows the

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Download NumberInput ActiveX 2.0
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NumberInput ActiveX 2.0
Sensalgo Soft
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