nextensio list shareware downloads

Search results for «nextensio list»:

MX Kollection 3.6.5 MX Kollection 3.6.5
… gent date formatting No advanced SQL knowledge required No SQL syntax errors for generated code Queries stored in repository can be loaded for reuse Limitations 30 days trial… 

Make-a-List 7.0.3 Make-a-List 7.0.3
… e freedom in adding, deleting and modifying the products and categories on this list. The more you customize this list to fit your shopping habits, the more truly useful Make-a-List will become for you. Limitations Some features are disabled.… 

Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 2.0 Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 2.0
… rity and then alphabetically within that priority. Some of you may complain that this is program is too simple and that it only does a few things... EXACTLY! It does what it needs to do and that's it! Why be overly complicated?! Enjoy!… 

MP3 List Maker 1.0 MP3 List Maker 1.0
… MP3 List Maker is a quick solution to your MP3 list needs. You specify what drive your MP3's are on, and it will create a numbered, easily viewable list of all the MP3's on that drive.… 

Mp3 List Maker De Luhe 5.11 Mp3 List Maker De Luhe 5.11
…  html. Import lists created by other applications. Find duplicates in your list. Compare your list to other people's lists (find out what others have that you don't, and the opposite). Insert & edit items. Plenty options to satisfy almost anyone.… 

Opt-In List Manager 1.0.7 Opt-In List Manager 1.0.7
… ct and clean Merge e-mail lists Remove addresses Keep/Filter addresses Make sample Separate addresses Seed addresses Split file Build e-mail list Randomize lists Sort lists Miscellaneous utilities Verify domains Limitations… 

Tachyon Privacy Protector 1.7 Tachyon Privacy Protector 1.7
… iting them with random contents before deleting) - Encrypt/Decrypt files with the highly secure RC4 algorithm! But don't take our word for it, convince yourself! Download the free trial version now! Changes in Current Version: First Release… 

AVD FileList 3.3.04 AVD FileList 3.3.04
… Addition of files to the list from subdirectories Use of the filter for a files choice Addition and removal of the user filters 3 modes of files addition to the list (a full path, a file name with extension, a file name only) Print List sorting… 

List Names 1.1 List Names 1.1
… options to list the names of the files and/or folders using the full path and/or display the names of the files and/or folders of any subfolders. Limitations The trial version of List Names is limited to listing up to 50 file and/or folder names.… 

AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 1.0 AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 1.0
… ry simple, yet effective To-Do List tool. Saves your list automatically to prevent information loss. Assign a priority to each item, delete an item, or edit an item. Very basic and simple by design! So easy to use! Limitations 30 days trial… 

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