name list shareware downloads

Search results for «name list»:

Make-a-List 7.0.3 Make-a-List 7.0.3
… e freedom in adding, deleting and modifying the products and categories on this list. The more you customize this list to fit your shopping habits, the more truly useful Make-a-List will become for you. Limitations Some features are disabled.… 

Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 2.0 Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 2.0
… rity and then alphabetically within that priority. Some of you may complain that this is program is too simple and that it only does a few things... EXACTLY! It does what it needs to do and that's it! Why be overly complicated?! Enjoy!… 

MP3 List Maker 1.0 MP3 List Maker 1.0
… MP3 List Maker is a quick solution to your MP3 list needs. You specify what drive your MP3's are on, and it will create a numbered, easily viewable list of all the MP3's on that drive.… 

Mp3 List Maker De Luhe 5.11 Mp3 List Maker De Luhe 5.11
…  html. Import lists created by other applications. Find duplicates in your list. Compare your list to other people's lists (find out what others have that you don't, and the opposite). Insert & edit items. Plenty options to satisfy almost anyone.… 

Opt-In List Manager 1.0.7 Opt-In List Manager 1.0.7
… ct and clean Merge e-mail lists Remove addresses Keep/Filter addresses Make sample Separate addresses Seed addresses Split file Build e-mail list Randomize lists Sort lists Miscellaneous utilities Verify domains Limitations… 

Tachyon Privacy Protector 1.7 Tachyon Privacy Protector 1.7
… iting them with random contents before deleting) - Encrypt/Decrypt files with the highly secure RC4 algorithm! But don't take our word for it, convince yourself! Download the free trial version now! Changes in Current Version: First Release… 

AVD FileList 3.3.04 AVD FileList 3.3.04
… Addition of files to the list from subdirectories Use of the filter for a files choice Addition and removal of the user filters 3 modes of files addition to the list (a full path, a file name with extension, a file name only) Print List sorting… 

List Names 1.1 List Names 1.1
… options to list the names of the files and/or folders using the full path and/or display the names of the files and/or folders of any subfolders. Limitations The trial version of List Names is limited to listing up to 50 file and/or folder names.… 

AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 1.0 AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 1.0
… ry simple, yet effective To-Do List tool. Saves your list automatically to prevent information loss. Assign a priority to each item, delete an item, or edit an item. Very basic and simple by design! So easy to use! Limitations 30 days trial… 

IP Guest List Manager 1.01 IP Guest List Manager 1.01
… te your guest list Create customizable reports Track your guest list Free Email Support. Free Upgrades. Requirements Pentium or greater CPU 10 MB Hard Disk Space Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2/XP VGA or greater display Limitations 30 days trial… 

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