MySQL Data Access Components 10.1
MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) library offers a set of nonvisual components for Borland Delphi, C++ Builder and Kylix.
MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) library offers a set of nonvisual components for Borland Delphi, C++ Builder and Kylix.
They provide access to MySQL database and are an alternative to a standard way of accessing databases using Borland Database Engine (BDE) or dbExpress.
MyDAC can work using MySQL client or native MySQL network protocol. In case of using MySQL protocol directly MyDAC doesn't require client library and requires only TCP/IP protocol.
This feature allows to build really thin database application. MyDAC can work in managed environment and supports .NET Framework.
MySQL Data Access Components features
MyDAC supports MySQL server version 5.0, 4.1, 4.0 and 3.23. Following development environments are supported by MyDAC:
borland delphi mysql data supports mysql design time data aware mysql server can work data access access components mydac can using mysql

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Core Lab
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