list student shareware downloads

Search results for «list student»:

Student Management System 1.01 Student Management System 1.01
… ystem features Fully Featured Secure Student Management System Database No need to install ANY Microsoft Office Suites or other complicated software Provides access for Teachers and Administrators to enter and view student information Supports DF… 

Nicepods Student Helper 1.0 Nicepods Student Helper 1.0
… ssignments. There is also a math windows to find the tangent, sine, cosine, natural log, and exponential of a value; a conversion table to convert units from empirical to metric versa-versa; and a down-to-earth advice on how to manage time wisely.… 

SAT GRE Crash Course 1.0 SAT GRE Crash Course 1.0
…  Course" for rapid learning Enables deeper learning with five different levels Features a rapid-fire game Allows students to concentrate on words they don't know Includes best vocabulary learning and test taking tips Limitations 30 days trial… 

MarkTracker 5.1 MarkTracker 5.1
… calculates Tests, Students and Class Average automatically. To be sure, through the menu Test / Recalc option calculates (Re-calculate) student, test and class averages. Then, just click the Save button to save to your hard drive. Limitations ยท… 

Student Life 3.0.8 Student Life 3.0.8
…  with other that use MSN, AIM, Yahoo, and ICQ all at the same time. Once installed, you may be able to launch the messenger from within Student Life. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Student eJournal 2.1 Student eJournal 2.1
… nments that can be used as the basis for a particular journal entry. In addition to the Student eJournal software, the package includes the eJournal Class Manager program, which provides teachers with class-wide management of eJournals.… 

Student Organizer 5.1 Student Organizer 5.1
… erminology Book. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching by any field, printing and much more. A similar format to a regular book makes all 3 programs very easy to use, and intuitive. Limitations 30 days trial nag screen… 

Cleantouch School Management System 2.0 Cleantouch School Management System 2.0
… e Status - Staff, Result Card (Full Year Detail), Result Card (Single Exam Report), Mark sheet, Provisional Certificate, Leaving Certificate, Staff Service Cerficate, Birth Certificate, Pass / Fail Report Limitations No. of Transaction Limitation… 

Eagle Eye 1.0 Eagle Eye 1.0
… our contact's information Programs - Manage all participating programs Conferences & Meetings - Shows your active list of conferences and meetings Calendar - View your activities on a weekly or monthly basis. Limitations 30 days free trial… 

Dovada student calculator 1.2.2 Dovada student calculator 1.2.2
…  used in calculations. No longer do you have to search the text books for that common formula or data. The student calculator has built in conversion tool facilities, ideal for engineering and physics projects. Limitations 14 days trial… 

Related: list student  each student  the student  student  for student