list mode shareware downloads

Search results for «list mode»:

Mp3 List Maker De Luhe 5.11 Mp3 List Maker De Luhe 5.11
…  html. Import lists created by other applications. Find duplicates in your list. Compare your list to other people's lists (find out what others have that you don't, and the opposite). Insert & edit items. Plenty options to satisfy almost anyone.… 

Program Sentry 2.1.0 Program Sentry 2.1.0
… ess setting, where the supervisor needs the ability to control who can do what on each company computer. It can also be useful in a family setting, however, to give parents control of the computer to block children from using certain programs.… 

Player 1.7.5 Player 1.7.5
… virtual tracks inside the Player. Cue file format is used for saving all information of virtual tracks. Several advantages of it include ability to edit cue files manually (it's a text format) and to import a cue file in many CD burning programs.… 

Portable Mp3 1.0 Portable Mp3 1.0
… is not recommanded for the quality of sound. In four words, same memory, more music! Portable Mp3 is using current version of Lame: 3.97, the quality of speed and sound of Mp3 encoding. Requirements .NET Framework 2.0 Limitations 99 jobs.… 

NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.2.2 NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.2.2
… ormation pertaining to each IP address, each IP address pair, and each local port. Unlike many packet analyzers out there, this software does NOT require (nor does it use) WinPCap, nor any other third party extensions. Limitations 30 day trial… 

Spamaids 1.0 Spamaids 1.0
… count of how many have been deleted. The log file is optional and can be viewed with the built in viewer. Limitations 15 days trial The banner ad will be removed You will get unlimited email support Add more then 2 accounts to the program… 

r.a.d.calendar 2.02 r.a.d.calendar 2.02
… iew areas Template Support Horizontal and Vertical Orientation Scrolling and Navigation Keyboard Support Requirements ISS 4, Microsoft .NET 2 Limitations 30 days trial… 

CountdownClock 2.0.4 CountdownClock 2.0.4
… lay can be customized and the display can be made always on top so you can always see your countdown even while working in other programs. Also, the program can be sized to be as large as the screen or small enough to fit in any corner of the screen.… 

Acute Softwares Timer 4.6 Acute Softwares Timer 4.6
… e logged to CSV and Acute Softwares Diary, in a number of 'categories' , eg separate timers to record time spend on phone calls, admin tasks, etc. There is a Favorites list and windows management functions for when you use lots of timers at once.… 

Kuliba TrayPicker 1.3 Kuliba TrayPicker 1.3
… utomatically. It's possible to change the size, aligning mode of the information panel in the system tray area. Hotkeys and customized actions executed by single and double mouse click are provided to make the use of TrayPiker more convenient.… 

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