HyperCoder Pro 1.1.1752
HyperCoder Pro is a useful program that features an extremely flexible user interface, designed so that you can rearrange it to your hearts desire.
HyperCoder Pro is a useful program that features an extremely flexible user interface, designed so that you can rearrange it to your hearts desire. Put tool windows anywhere on your screen.
HCPro helps you develop faster by displaying helpful details about the languages you're using. For example if you click on a table tag the ActiveHelp window will display details about the tag. This is also true for PHP, ASP, Javascript, 3D GameStudio and BlitzBasic.
HCPro helps you develop faster by displaying helpful details about the languages you're using. For example if you click on a table tag the ActiveHelp window will display details about the tag. This is also true for PHP, ASP, Javascript, 3D GameStudio and BlitzBasic.
Use the tag inspector to quickly enter parameters for HTML tags.
Keep a library of your most used pieces of code in the snippets library.
Create your own colour palettes that you can use throughout your projects (HTML Hex).
Work in projects mode to enable server mappings and automatic FTP uploads
Work the way you want with the ability to open and view mutliple documents at the same time, as well as being able to edit from two points in the same document.
Manage your time by using the Tasks window to organise a to-do list.
HyperCoder Pro features
Other than supporting the standard web formats (ASP, HTML, CGI, PHP, XML, Javascript), HyperCoder Pro also allows you to edit BlitzBasic, Python, VB.NET, C#, SQL formats. You can even define applications for previewing each format seperately. For example you could define BlitzBasic documents to open in the Blitz Compiler when you click the Execute button on the HCPro toolbar.
HyperCoder Pro has an extremely flexible interface. Tool windows can be undocked and positioned where you want them. Docked windows can be set to auto-hide to give you even more space when coding.
Never make a spelling mistake again. HyperCoder Pro will automatically underline the spelling mistakes in your document as you type (ignoring code blocks). Simply return to the mistake and right click it to display a list of possible spelling suggestions.
HyperCoder Pro has been designed to use the latest FireFox ActiveX renderer. When you're editing web based files you can split the document window to show a preview of the HTML (filters code blocks if no server mappings are set up).
HCPro has two file explorers so you can open files from two different locations on your computer/network. Alternatively you can create a project. Projects narrows down the need to search for files by placing your projects folder at the root. Projects also have additional abilities by allowing you to route the documents previews through a web server, as well as allowing you to set up an FTP account for automatic uploading when you save your files.
If your working with projects you can set up an FTP account so that you files are automatically uploaded to your webserver. Alternatively you can set up the FTP account but transfer them when you want by using the 'Save and FTP' option on the File menu.
Split a code view in two and work from two locations at the same time
If you've ever need to edit a function at the bottom of your document and edit its use at the begining of a function this is for you. Every document that you open can be divided into two allowing you to edit or view your code from two different places.
Each HyperCoder user is able to create a unique set of tasks stored under their windows username. Create tasks to organise your projects and set their progress.
allows faster editing of HTML tags Use the Tag Inspector to fill in details on HTML tags. By clicking an HTML tag in your document the tag inspector is updated to show its properties. Locate the details you need to include and the code is automatically updated.
The styles window allows you to quickly see which styles are available to the document your currently editing, as well as give you a small preview window for the styles themselves.
As you code your styles in either a styles="" tag or in a styles block a popup list of all the CSS attributes is displayed, once you've typed or selected the one you want a list of possible values is displayed making style sheet creation a breeze.
Sometimes you will have a large file that contains dozens of functions probably not in any specific order. No problem; the functions and labels windows display an alphabetical list of the functions (and labels for languages that support them) in the current document, double click one and you will be taken directly the first line of the function or label.
A special snippets window is available that allows you to store small pieces of reusable code. Whenever you need one of them simply find it in the snippets window and double click it to insert into your document.
HCPro features a color palette window called 'Swatches' which allows you to store all the colours you are using for a project. You can create any number of colour palettes, and you last active one will always be loaded first. Double click on a colour in the palette to insert the HEX code into your current document.
Already got documents that contain HTML Hex colours? No problem. The swatches window allows you to scan the current document for colours, automatically adding them to the palette.
A special Symbols palette is also available which gives you quick access to special codes and characters. For example, if you need to insert a pound symbol you can look it up in the symbols palette, double click it and the HTML code £ is inserted into your document.
HyperCoder Pro has language references for ASP, HTML, PHP and BlitzBasic. If you need any help with a specific command or tag simply click it in your document to view the ActiveHelp entry. Alternatively, use the drop down lists to locate the information you need quickly and easily.
you can hypercoder pro your document the tag you need allows you for example when you you want use the tag inspector from two about the

Download HyperCoder Pro 1.1.1752
Download HyperCoder Pro 1.1.1752
Purchase: Buy HyperCoder Pro 1.1.1752
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HyperCoder Pro 1.1.1752
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