department product shareware downloads

Search results for «department product»:

Cleantouch Store Department Controller 1.0 Cleantouch Store Department Controller 1.0
… Master File, Brands Master File, Item Master File, Stock In, Stock Out Outputs: Accounts List, Items List, Stock In Report, Stock Out Report, Stock Ledger, Stock Report (Detail), Stock Report (Summary) Limitations No. of Transaction Limitation… 

Security Department 1.9 Security Department 1.9
…  Requirements Software Requirements Software for install is required: any zip-archive extractor like WinZip. Hardware Requirements 486 CPU or higher 16 Mb of RAM or more 2 MB free disk space VGA Video Limitations 30-day trial… 

Message Manager Deluxe 3.03 Message Manager Deluxe 3.03
… otherwise you can shutdown the computer. The possibilites are endless with Message Manager Deluxe. This product also contains user defined macros for message individuality, scheduling for complete message control, button actions to perform tasks b… 

Wage Calculator Excel 30 Wage Calculator Excel 30
… lick of a button calculate wage costs by day and week. Standard Excel print functions are available providing flexible print formats. Using the Wage Calculator you can define your staff roster schedules and calculate your wage costs with ease.… 

IT Journal Lite 1.0 IT Journal Lite 1.0
… network, please let me know and I will be glad to make a version available with filesharing turned on. Requirements FileMaker. Limitations 30 days trial.… 

Scheduling Employees 2000 2.8 Scheduling Employees 2000 2.8
…  may by hidden from department managers. The first day of the week is set in the Department screen and may be changed at any time. Database "Backup and Restore" function. A "Shift" function enters a standard shift. Up to 20 shift may be stored.… 

NutriGenie Nutrition 2005 for Windows 7.8 NutriGenie Nutrition 2005 for Windows 7.8
… s. The program analyzes nearly 30 nutrients in user's diet and has almost all utilities available in other NutriGenie products. If you wish to choose a single general nutrition program from our catalog, Nutrition 2005 is our recommendation.… 

Polar Help Desk 4.1 Polar Help Desk 4.1
… editor Easily publish your MS Word documents to KB MSDN look-a-like table of contents Reports Real Time Charting Language Management Use your own language for Help Desk interface Set the default language for any Business Unit or any user… 

KDT Soft. Recover Product Key 1.0.6 KDT Soft. Recover Product Key 1.0.6
…  product key for Windows XP*, Windows Vista, Microsoft Office and Norton Anti-Virus . This software also enables the user to change who the product is registered to. Ideal if: You need to change your Product key to a legal one, in order to re… 

StarMail Home 2.0.01 StarMail Home 2.0.01
… r disable mail account. Department Management The function enables administrators to set up multi-level department as required. Group mail The function enables user to send mail to multi-people of department. News and Bulletin Support… 

Related: department product  the department  department  support department  inspection department