CleanUp! is a pure system maintenance tool for Windows.
CleanUp! is a pure system maintenance tool for Windows.
After using a computer a couple of days, months, perhaps even years, there will be a lot of files and settings that are no longer needed. These files will still be consuming space on the hard drive, and slow down the system.
CleanUp! is a tool for taking care of all those (unneeded) files on your system. It searches the system for temporary files, broken shortcuts, Internet Explorer cache files, programs that can be uninstalled and more. CleanUp removes the files that you no longer need.
With CleanUp! you will have the ability to protect your privacy, by removing any information about visited websites, cookies, used documents and other history information in Windows.
You will also be able to change the appearance and language of CleanUp! It is currently available in English and Swedish.
CleanUp has a very easy to use interface. You do not need to be an expert in system maintenance to use it.
Extra themes and plug-ins are available at the homepage.
you will the system tool for system maintenance

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Authors software
CleanUp! is a pure system maintenance tool for Windows.
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