changing system shareware downloads

Search results for «changing system»:

XP Icons 3.0 XP Icons 3.0
… choice of over 140 XP icons included with the program or any other you may have. Also includes options to remove shortcut arrows, 'Shortcut To' prefix and colored block behind the Desktop Icon text. Also allows choice of Desktop Icons text colors.… 

SMLogging suite for Delphi/CBuilder 1.40 SMLogging suite for Delphi/CBuilder 1.40
… setLog: trace the dataset work - scrolling, state changing, value editing etc - TSMFileLog: trace the file/directory/drive changing - file creation, changing of size, attributes or time - TSMNTEventLog: control the standard log for NT events.… 

Orchidea screensaver 1.0 Orchidea screensaver 1.0
… play a 3d-morph, which keeps changing its shape from one orchid flower to a different one. The screensaver constantly creates new and ever changing orchid flowers with shining colors. This will give you an uplifting, hypnotic and euphoric experience.… 

Transposer 2.01 Transposer 2.01
… le limits. Uses: by raising or lowering the pitch of a song you can practice in your ideal key. Lowering the speed makes it easier to write down each note of an arrangement or instrument solo part. Requirements audio sound card Limitations… 

Stellarator 1.0 Stellarator 1.0
… res: Configure ON-THE-FLY in the 'Settings' window. You can change: Background color, symmetry level, metal composition, zoom, dynamic starfield and much more. Push the graphics ability of your video card/monitor to the max with Stellarator .… 

12Ghosts QuickStart 9.70 12Ghosts QuickStart 9.70
… in RegEdit. 12-Quick comes with a wonderful variety of unrelated functions, like quick resolution changing, shutdown or logoff, remove formatting from clipboard text, set task sequence, or changing the middle mouse botton click to a double-click.… 

Gentle MAC Pro 4.0 Gentle MAC Pro 4.0
… ecessary. You can manage your devices via command line and scripts. Gentle MAC assumes the control over set tasks, making work with network devices most transparent, helping you to be more confident and effective. Limitations 15 days trial… 

cPWD 2.6 cPWD 2.6
… isplayed in HTML format. Passwords are the single most vulnerable part of any computer system. They are easily compromised and frequently targeted. Prevent "lost password" disasters and save hundreds of dollars and countless hours.… 

DVD Region Master 2.2.1 DVD Region Master 2.2.1
… ithout changing DVD drive region setting. As we known, DVD drive has region setting limitation. Do you have many different region DVD Disc? Use this utility to help you. Support common DVD Player PowerDVD/WinDVD etc. Limitations 15 days trial… 

TOxygenDirectorySpy Component for Borland Delphi 1.6.1 TOxygenDirectorySpy Component for Borland Delphi 1.6.1
…  know precise name of a directory or a file having been changed. You always know former and current values of changed parameters. Watching multiple directories and their subdirectories. Watching file system changes even on network drives… 

Related: changing system  from changing  changing the  and changing  changing dvd