Bluetooth Lock 1.5.1
When you depart from your PC with your cell phone/PDA or other Bluetooth equipment or stop using the computer for a while, Bluetooth Lock locks the screen, logs you out, switches your computer off or does whatever you tell to do.
When you depart from your PC with your cell phone/PDA or other Bluetooth equipment or stop using the computer for a while, Bluetooth Lock locks the screen, logs you out, switches your computer off or does whatever you tell to do. Also, Bluetooth Lock sets your status in mIRC, Trillian Basic and ICQ Lite / 2003b to "Away"
Bluetooth Lock contains security features, which, when set up, forbid normal users to change the settings in the normal way without passwort or through the registry and disallow exiting and force-exiting the program without passwort input. Thus it can be guaranteed that Bluetooth Lock cannot be deactivated, if you forgot your cell phone/PDA at your computer or simply look away.
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Authors software
Bluetooth Lock 1.5.1
When you depart from your PC with your cell phone/PDA or other Bluetooth equipment or stop using the computer for a while, Bluetooth Lock locks the screen, logs you out, switches your computer off or does whatever you tell to do.
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