mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro

mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro Screenshot The unique features of our search engine are designed to provide search on Intranet or public Web sites so customers and visitors can quickly find and access virtually any information on a site or multiple sites.

Developer:   Lavtech.Com Corp.
      software by Lavtech.Com Corp. →
Price:  19.00  buy →
License:   Trial
File size:   0K
OS:   Windows Vista (?)
Rating:   0 /5 (0 votes)

The unique features of our search engine are designed to provide search on Intranet or public Web sites so customers and visitors can quickly find and access virtually any information on a site or multiple sites.

With mnoGoSearch it is possible to build and maintain various subject-oriented search systems like cooking recipes, music downloads and news search.

Here are some key features of "mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition":

  • The system is easy to install, use and maintain.
  • Multiple languages and character sets are supported.
  • Our developers are constantly working on new features.
  • High level of technical support is available for every user.

    To index your site you have to configure mnoGosearch with your database. To
    do so go to Common tab of mnoGoSearch window, then press Edit in Database
    group. In opened dialog select database type you wish to use (built-in) and Database mode.

    Configure server you wish to index by going to Server tab, press New Server
    button and enter your server URL (e.g. ), don't
    forget slash at the end.

    To start indexing please go to Indexer tab, select Index in Action menu and
    press Start button.

    You can stop or pause indexing any moment you wish. After indexing is
    complete press Statistics button to view number of indexed documents,
    errors, etc.

    Adding search to your site
    mnoGoSearch is supplied with search page template - search.htm, that you
    can customize according to your needs.

    Edit search.htm by entering DBAddr parameters - the path to files (dict.txt and url.txt) where indexer information is stored. These files are created by indexer in the folder it is run in.

    DBAddr C:\Program Files\mnoGoSearch\

    Place search.exe to cgi-bin directory of your server.
    To perform search, open the search page at
    http://www.yourserver.tld/cgi-bin/search.exe , enter words or phrase to
    search for and press Search button. After that that front-end (search.exe)
    will check database for words you entered and will display links to pages
    containing the words.

  • 30 days trial

    tags search exe  you wish  search page  search htm  cgi bin  you can  and press  your site  your server  http www  and maintain  

    mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro screenshot

    Download mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro

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    mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro mnoGoSearch for Windows Pro Oracle Edition Pro
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