warrior shareware downloads

Search results for «warrior»:

Sword of the Samurai 1.0 Sword of the Samurai 1.0
… ere guided by Bushido, "Way of the Warrior", a code of honor and social behavior. This screensaver displays 55 images of samurai with their glorious costumes and weaponry, drawn by Japanese artists from the mid to late 1800's.… 

Winged warrior 2.41.92 Winged warrior 2.41.92
… … 

RSI Warrior 4.0 RSI Warrior 4.0
…  Automatic clicking to eliminate the strain associated with mouse clicking. This works by automatically dispatching a click whenever you stop moving the mouse. This works great if your RSI is induced by over-clicking. Requirements .NET 2 Runtime… 

Kabuki Warrior Screensaver 1.0 Kabuki Warrior Screensaver 1.0
… nd the elaborate costumes and makeup of the actors. Kabuki Warriors Screensaver offers you 56 pictures of Kabuki warriors drawn by Japanese master artists of the mid to late 1800s. Requirements 800x600 screen resolution, minimum 16 bit color… 

Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery 1.11.476 Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery 1.11.476
… imitations Unregistered (trial) version recovers only the passwords that are not longer than 4 characters and doesn’t allow to print/save/copy the results (email clients that have been found, and recovered passwords) – just shows them on screen.… 

Sword of Valor 3D Screensaver 1.0 Sword of Valor 3D Screensaver 1.0
… on some fresh grass in the distance. As nighttime comes you see glimpses of the illustrious battles the legendary sword still remembers. Will you become the new owner of this great weapon forged for a true hero? Limitations 60 sec nag screen… 

Synconizer 1.5 Synconizer 1.5
… fely protected, using high- level encryption. Data interchange over the Internet is password-protected as well to prevent any leaks. Using Synconizer's ability to exchange data with other copies of Synconizer over the Internet means that the road warrior is no longer required to maintain his data… 

Image2PDF Desktop Application 1.51 Image2PDF Desktop Application 1.51
… creation date) Set preferred PDF viewer options (center window, hide toolbar, hide menu bar, hide window user interface, fit window, page mode none/outlines/thumbnails/full screen, page layout single page/one column/two column left/two column right)… 

Sword of Honor 3D Screensaver 1.01.3 Sword of Honor 3D Screensaver 1.01.3
… counter A legendary weapon forged for a true hero! Own the Sword of Honor tempered in the fire of many battles! Requirements Pentium III or higher 32 Mb Video Memory DirectX 8.0 or higher DirectX-compatible sound card Windows 95/98/ME/2/XP… 

Image to PDF Desktop Application 2.43 Image to PDF Desktop Application 2.43
… age, one column, two column left, two column right). Limitations all the features of this software are available and are NOT time limited or crippled in any way, however, any output will have an “Evaluation Mode” message stamped on top of it… 

Related: warrior  dragon warrior  Princess Warrior 2  Soldier Warrior  Warrior Of Honor