version number shareware downloads
Search results for «version number»:
CheckPRC 2.0
… nctions that the application uses.
CheckPRC runs on 32-bit Microsoft Windows systems and analyses PalmOS executable .prc files. Each API function used by the application is listed with the number of occurrences found, and identified by the PalmOS version number in which it first appeared. The fun…
Random Number Generator Pro 2.08
… version cannot sort numbers
unregistered version can show only 10 items only
trial version can't exclude digits
you can use only lower limit =(0...29) and upper limit = (0...29)…
VueScan 8.4.02
… grade. You don't need to uninstall the old version before installing this new version - the old version will be overwritten.
VueScan is limited by the number of supported devices.…
Serial Number Control 1.0
… .
Random serial number (between a specific range) can be displayed.
Determining if an entered serial number is valid (within a range)
Serial Number Control Down…
Coloring Book 6: Number Trains 4.22.93
… Masks, Giraffes, Hedgehogs, Pyramids, Clouds, Penguins, Balloons, Mushrooms, Rhinoceros, Snowmen, Airplanes, Trees, Pigs, Ghosts, Blocks, Clothes, Ladybugs, and Sheep.
The shareware version is fully functional and comes with 5 pictu…
MSCABImage 2.0
… cation and Session scopes may cause problems with your ASP Server (IIS or Chili) productivity.
To learn more about ASP execution scopes, see your ASP Server manual
Windows + IIS version 4.0 or above
15 days trial…
Verwolf 0.3 Beta
… upport from a person who cares
FREE upgrades for life
BETA - Expires after several months (new version will promptly replace expired version)…
MestRe-C Lite
… upgrades for 1 year from purchase) but not in the Lite version.
For example, next version will include a novel compression algorithm for both 1D and 2D spectra. In the latter case, 2D spectra >8 MB can be compacted to a final size of 100 Kb.…
GetDiskSerial.DLL 4.0.0
… Revision Number
Buffer Size
Sectors per track
Because the product serial number is the sole identification of the HardDisk, you can create an Information Code with the Serial Number for your shareware without any barrier…
… cause we think that ONLY THIS is interesting for application if we want to protect it. So, this little library will do the job.
In this demo version you will get full model description, but serial and revision number wil be only 5 chars long.…
Related: version number version available version the with version wrc version