uninstall palm shareware downloads

Search results for «uninstall palm»:

Conduit Buddy 4.0 Conduit Buddy 4.0
… system conduits are listed in the program, you may uninstall the garbage conduits with only a click! You may install new conduits by files as well. For the uninstalled but still useful conduits, Conduit Buddy will record your uninstall histor… 

DesktopMirror for Outlook 2.1 DesktopMirror for Outlook 2.1
… ntacts ( or Address Book on former Palm / Palm Desktop ). Calendar ( or Date Book on fomer Palm / Palm Desktop ). Tasks ( or Todo List on fomer Palm / Palm Desktop ). Memos / Notes ( or Memo Pad on former Palm / Palm Desktop ). Requirements ·… 

Kernel Palm PDB 4.03 Kernel Palm PDB 4.03
… e Repair Software, which helps you to recover and repair your corrupt database files in minutes. Kernel for Palm PDB - corrupted database recovery software supported versions includes Palm OS 5, Palm OS Garnet, Palm OS Cobalt 6.1 databases.… 

Adobe Reader for Palm OS 3.05 Adobe Reader for Palm OS 3.05
… hile preserving graphics and images. Adobe Reader for Palm OS includes two components that work together: - The desktop application (and conduit during HotSync®) runs on your desktop computer. It prepares PDF files for the Palm OS and transp… 

PD-SyncKit 1.2 PD-SyncKit 1.2
… akes the log much easier to read than before. With simple clicks, you can get to know your HotSync operations in the former months and years. You don't need to read log using the HotSync manager that comes with Palm Desktop any more. Requirements… 

ConvertBack 1.0 ConvertBack 1.0
… ult of individuals installing Palm Desktop 4.1.4 on their systems. ConvertBack will fix this problem by converting the newer file format back into the old format for use with Palm Desktop 4.1 SP3. Requirements Palm Desktop 4.1.4 or 4.2… 

PD UnDelete 2.0 PD UnDelete 2.0
… he Palm data file or Palm user folder were completely removed from your computer, this program can not recover those Palm Desktop data. Requirements Palm Desktop: Version 3.5 or higher, with HotSync Manager installed Limitations 10 days trial… 

Pocket Video Maker - Palm Edition 2.0 Pocket Video Maker - Palm Edition 2.0
… m PDA in fullscreen landscape format Creates DivX movies Creates XviD* movies With distinguished Pocket Media Player for your Palm PDA Plays DivX movies, XviD* movies, Mpeg1 movies, Mp3 songs and Ogg Vorbis sound. Limitations 7 day trial… 

LiveSync 2.5 LiveSync 2.5
… d conduits one by one to synchronize your Palm with desktop PC. LiveSync runs on Windows operating system and is based on Palm Desktop, so it is compatible with ALL Palm OS devices that is compatible with Palm Desktop. Limitations 10 day trial… 

CalendarMirror 2.0.1 CalendarMirror 2.0.1
…  and synchronize the appointment on the desktop! Currently, CalendarMirror for Outlook does NOT support the Palm Desktop 4.1.2 which comes from Tungsten E/T3, because the format of its database file is different with the common Palm Desktop.… 

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