text snippets shareware downloads
Search results for «text snippets»:
Snippets Text Database 1.61
… ximum efficiency.
Flexible printing options.
Edit window allows you to set tab size, font and word-wrapping. Extensive on-line help, more...
shareware reminders.…
Snappy Snippets 1.0.5
… Snappy Snippets is a code snippet organizer for use with any programming, scripting or markup language.
Snappy Snippets is ideal for use with PHP, HTML, CSS, Java, Visual C++, Visual Basic, RealBasic and others.…
Code Keeper 1.01
… single button click -- ready to paste wherever needed -- plus your code is protected against accidental changes.
Finally, folders with your favorite snippets can be exported to a transportable file to be shared with other Code Keeper users.…
SnippetCenter Professional
… popular programming languages!
SnippetCenter Professional features
Organize your data in colored sections
Extended import and export capabilities
128-bit encryption of your data (optional)
Write protection
30 days trial…
Snippet Creator 1.0.3
… ode in and click save.
This should keep people from just typing ways to do things without actually testing it first. Then you can upload the snippet for others to download.
Microsoft.NET Framework 2
30-day trial…
File Management System 1.0
… lications file manager to rename or delete files from your computer and it will update the database for you.
Add code snippets to the database by using the copy and paste feature. Search your snippets by title, filter all searches by group type an…
SmartVB6 2.0.4
… procedure, property, class, enum, snippet manager, exceptions, control type and explorer.
10 days expire time
Visual Basic 6.0 or MS Visual Studio 6…
Acid Drop 1.3
… ystem tray
Full support RTF2 text format…
EnvisionAide 4
… s-referenced web-site. You can even export your results as an XML knowledge base.
EnvisionAide uses include market research, strategic management and qualitative problem solving. Temporary Licence Key for 21 days trial: 7200-6845-1895-4758…
CoolBrowser 1.0.7 beta
… possible to search visited pages on the title or URL. This makes it extremely easy to find a website that you visited before.
The word indexer
The indexer scans every page that you visit and builds up a searchable dictionary of words. The inde…
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