text input shareware downloads

Search results for «text input»:

VK TypeHelp 1.5 VK TypeHelp 1.5
…  and commercial writing. Think of an assistant of the writer, sitting beside him and observing the sequence of his keystrokes. Then, after getting some experience, the assistant will predict and suggest reasonable continuations of the user's text input according to former occurrences of the… 

Input Mask 3.0.0 Input Mask 3.0.0
… everal other members have been added to facilitate the implementation ofthe mask capabilities such as Mask, MaskCharAlpha, MaskCharNumeric, MaskCharAlphaNumeric,MaskCharDisplay and a series of RegEx properies for validation and method invoking.… 

r.a.d.input 1.5.2 r.a.d.input 1.5.2
… nts for Inputs with Enumeration Mask Support for Multi-line TextBoxes Integration with r.a.d.calendar Requirements ISS 4.0, Microsoft .NET 1.0&2.0 Limitations 30 days trial… 

NJStar Chinese Pen 2.60 NJStar Chinese Pen 2.60
… ghlighted Chinese sentence/paragraph. Various options: There are various options for you to configure and personalize the program to suit your needs. These options settings can be set easily from the options menu. Limitations 30 days trial… 

SWF Text 1.0 SWF Text 1.0
… roductory page within a few minutes. And all you need do is to input text, select font and animation effects. While a veteran Flash designer may use SWF Text for text animation in a project, which sure greatly saves your time and effort.… 

Count My Text! 1.0 Count My Text! 1.0
… ndividual Characters. Words. Spaces. Line Feeds. OPTIMIZATION feature strips away extra codes excessive Line Feeds at start and end of text extra spaces converts tab to space code flags unidentified codes that can cause text to be rejected.… 

Xceed Input Validator for .NET 1.1 Xceed Input Validator for .NET 1.1
… ponent or when a general validation method is called. Compatible with the .NET Framework's TextBox and ComboBox controls, as well as with Xceed Grid for .NET cells and Xceed Editors for .NET. Expandable by deriving from ValidationCriterion or Val… 

Flazzle Pro 1.6b Flazzle Pro 1.6b
…  cedict. Input support includes accent selectors for latin scripts, transliteration or onscreen keyboards for non-latin scripts, character palettes for any Unicode script and Specific inputs for Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese. Limitations 15 d… 

Quick Input 0.7 Quick Input 0.7
… to databases of companies. When you enter data in some application, the Quick Input software stores them, and next time after the first letters being entered it will offer its own variant as a dropdown list of words. Limitations 15 day trial… 

HanWJ Chinese Input Engine 3.86 HanWJ Chinese Input Engine 3.86
… ut key "Alt" usually means Right-Alt key. Left-Alt key is used as wildcard key by HanWJ Chinese Input Method. HanWJ Chinese Input Engine features PinYin-based. Quick, fault-tolerant. Zi & word usage lookup. Many Chinese-input-assistant feat… 

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