text conference shareware downloads

Search results for «text conference»:

The Conference Recorder 3.7 The Conference Recorder 3.7
… record a window as well as an area to AVI. You can now record WebCams to AVI. This is a shareware version that will impose a time limit on your recording. Limitations Limitation on record tim, user can only record for about 15 seconds.… 

Quorum 1.00 Quorum 1.00
… rements To connect to phone line(s) you need one of the following: Telephone number with a SIP based VoIP service provider. VoIP based office telephone system (try the Axon PC PABX). To connect to ordinary lines a professional telephony board.… 

PC Video Conference 4 PC Video Conference 4
…  Attendee status icons Moderator Ban or Reject controls Private Text message Audio and Microphone controls Welcome customized Text Webcam or still picture FREE Software updates and more.. Limitations watermark over the message… 

Web Voice Chat 1.2 Web Voice Chat 1.2
… sten. Web Voice Chat requires 28.8kbps Internet connection. So, usual dial-up Internet connection is enough for successful work. Web voice chat is client/server application. Client software is Java applet. So, it can be easy integrated to web site.… 

Vax VoIP activeX SDK 3.0 Vax VoIP activeX SDK 3.0
…  sending voice data only when you speak. GSM 6.10 BASED VOICE COMPRESSION: The VaxVoIP component uses the GSM 6.10 voice compression codec; thereby reducing the required data rate to as low as 1.6Kbytes/Second for a single voice session.… 

sharpVoice Client 6.0 sharpVoice Client 6.0
… se a firewall or proxy server. Record and playback conversations. Fully functional and ad-free for 30 days. Then you must register to make multi-person conference calls, PC-to-Phone calls, and to avoid advertising. Contains NO SpyWare.… 

VaxVoice Extended SDK 6.0 VaxVoice Extended SDK 6.0
… on codec; thereby reducing the required data rate to as low as 1.6Kbytes/Second for a single voice session. Requirements No special requirements… 

Conference Recorder 1.1 Conference Recorder 1.1
… n Top - This function enables the user to locate the Conference Recorder window on the top even another program such as web browser is running at the same time. This way, you can start recording within a very short time. Limitations 30 day trial… 

v-Phone 1.04 v-Phone 1.04
… ication Indication of missed calls Password protection Privacy protection Web-based account management An extensive log Text chat File transfer - PC to PC Complete multi-language support Customizable sounds for all features World-time clock… 

Conference Rooms Scheduler 3.6 Conference Rooms Scheduler 3.6
… ntouts of schedules as well as printouts of individual room schedules. Multiple books can be installed and run side by side to schedule more than 20 rooms. Latest version features cell color coding and automatic booking of recurring events.… 

Related: voip sdk voice conference text conference voip conference vo  text conference  conference  the conference  new conference