Source Code Organizer PS 3.2
Source Code Organizer PS is your library for organizing and storing your source code.
Source Code Organizer PS is your library for organizing and storing your source code.
It doesn't matter what type of language you program in, Source Code Organizer PS will keep it safe and secure until you need to use it again.
It has several easy to use functions to make your programming life easier.
Your code is listed by language type in the main window.
Click on the piece of code you want and it appears to the right ready to be copied into your program. If that's not good enought because there's too much clutter on the creen, open the code in its own window for exclusive viewing.
The first time you enter a piece of code, or a function, or even an entire class, there are several fields you have to fill in. These mandatory fields make it easier for you to run a search at a later date, and it keeps your code better organized.
But in no way is this a restriction. All these fields, 'Language', the type of language you're programming in; 'Returns', what the peice of code returns; 'Code Type', is this a function, a class, or what; 'Platform', just what does it run on -- Windows, Linux, Mac?
It's all there for you to add, delete and edit as you wish. And best of all, you have a 30 day trial period which costs you nothing. After that, if you don't like it, delete it. If you do like it, then register the program with us and be eligible for support and update notices.
So if you got a piece of code that's so hot you have to keep it on ice, make Source Code Organizer PS the freezer you keep it in.
Download it now and get started.
NOTE: You need Microsoft's .Net Framework installed on your machine for Source Code Organizer PS to function.
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Download Source Code Organizer PS 3.2
Download Source Code Organizer PS 3.2
Purchase: Buy Source Code Organizer PS 3.2
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