rijndael blowfish shareware downloads

Search results for «rijndael blowfish»:

… eysize, You can use this dll with all other compilers. Delphi demo is included. The new version is not compatible with the old DLL and my other programs, but is highly secure Limitations The registred version comes without NAG at the begin… 

DP Multicrypt 2.0 DP Multicrypt 2.0
… r use 2048 bit keysize RC4 cipher use 2048 bit keysize RC2 cipher use 1024 bit keysize Mars cipher use 1248 bit keysize IDEA cipher use 128 bit keysize CAST256 cipher use 256 bit keysize . A commandline decrypter.exe (freeware) is include.… 

BlowFish 2000 3.1 BlowFish 2000 3.1
… ly encrypted and decoded directly from the MS Windows Explorer by using the pop-up context menu. This utility uses the Blowfish encryption algorithm. BlowFish can be configured to optionally place its program icon in the taskbar notification tray.… 

ASP/Encrypt 1.10 ASP/Encrypt 1.10
… A-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Tiger, RipeMD-128, RipeMD-160, Haval. Support ASP, PHP (COM class - Windows). Limitations This component works when client requests from the IP or ServerIP. No requests from other IP addresses will be served.… 

QuickCrypt Library 2.51 QuickCrypt Library 2.51
… elp file has C, C++ and Visual Basic (VB) examples showing how to add encrypting/decrypting functionality to Windows applications quickly and easily.… 

EDCrypt 3.1 EDCrypt 3.1
… ample projects in several languages are included in the package. EDCrypt is a stand-alone component. It does not require any other files to work. The control can be distributed royalty-free in an unlimited number of commercial applications.… 

Python Encryption Library 1.0 Python Encryption Library 1.0
… r symmetric encryption algorithms. Initialization vectors supported. CBC and ECB supported for Rijndael, Blowfish, and Twofish. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Perl Encryption Library 1.0 Perl Encryption Library 1.0
… r symmetric encryption algorithms. Initialization vectors supported. CBC and ECB supported for Rijndael, Blowfish, and Twofish. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Ruby Encryption Library 1.0 Ruby Encryption Library 1.0
… r symmetric encryption algorithms. Initialization vectors supported. CBC and ECB supported for Rijndael, Blowfish, and Twofish. Limitations 30 days trial… 

Java Encryption Component 1.0 Java Encryption Component 1.0
… r symmetric encryption algorithms. Initialization vectors supported. CBC and ECB supported for Rijndael, Blowfish, and Twofish. Limitations 30 days trial… 

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