remote office connectivity shareware downloads
Search results for «remote office connectivity»:
HelpDesk VNC 2
… ick and go.
HelpDesk VNC features
remote client creator wizard
track session time
auto reconnects back to you if your connection is lost
HTTP Links allow you to download and launch software with one click
small download size. Use Repeater to…
Remote Thing 1.1
… h Remote Thing you can work on any remote pc as you would work on your own pc by screen, mouse, and keyboard or you can use Remote Things build-in Explorer, Process View and Registry View which each have vast and very powerful future sets.
Remote Office Manager 3.0.1
… 00/XP/2003 user level security so you can limit remote access to specific users or user groups including users from local computer, primary domains, trusted domains or Active Directory.
Rich functionality (file transfer, task manager, shutdown, etc…
Remote Access 2.0 2.0.0
… er. Remote access is accomplished by the two software's Remote Access provides. Remote Access Host is installed on the computer which you have to access remotely and Remote Access Viewer is installed on the computer which you have physical access.…
Switch Center Office 1.1.2
Email and SNMP trap alerts forwarding.
Daily and weekly e-mail reports.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
A 800 MHz or faster processor with at least 256 MB of RAM
30 days trial
Supports one network switch…
RDM+ 3.2.2
… has a set of commands for getting a system information and perform management of system.
GSM/GPRS/Java mobile phone
Restriction of an operating time…
@TheOffice Remote Access 2.0.5118
… ernational dial up when traveling)
Selectable Triple DES or AES encryption
User unique certificate authentication
Dynamic Firewalling when connected to the office
Secure backup of user profiles on the gateway, allows roaming access…
ViPNet OFFICE 2.8.11 SP4
… upport and an advanced encryption AES, 3DES and DES. By supporting a wide variety of communications technologies, the ViPNet client can be used in any networking environment: LAN-Ethernet, Wireless LAN, DSL (PPPoE, PPPoA), ISDN, Modem, GPRS and UMTS.…
WinLock Remote Administrator 9.1.0
… t leaving the computer.
By means of this tool, administrators can manage WinLock settings, enable or disable each copy of WinLock separately and much more.
30 day trial and registration remove limitation of controlled remote hosts…
EMCO Monitor Live Connectivity 1.0
… ied by email before Exiting Windows on the failure of all pings.
Email all events combined into one email
User can configure Monitor Live Connectivity to get all events alerts in one email on the failure of all pings.
15 days…
Related: remote office connectivity remote office web remote remote automation cluster server pc remote control connectivity wireless connectivity