proxy cache shareware downloads

Search results for «proxy cache»:

EMCO Proxy Settings Manager 1.0 EMCO Proxy Settings Manager 1.0
…  LAN. One of the terrible jobs for network administrators is to visit each machine on their network to configure the proxy settings on it, and it takes a lot of time and involves a lot of human effort. Similarly if you want to make some changes on… 

Proxy Scanner 4.05 Proxy Scanner 4.05
… e-mail via proxies, RBL, anonymity; Proxy Scanner allows to add/edit/remove RBL and Anonymity lists; Proxy Scanner is optimized for usual PCs; Proxy Scanner is multithreaded so it is very fast; Proxy Scanner has user friendly interface.… 

eIQ Professional Suite 4.0.07 eIQ Professional Suite 4.0.07
… and reporting software. Professional Suite can analyze log files from your HTTP, FTP, Proxy, Cache and Streaming Media Servers. Additionally, the monitoring feature allows monitoring of local and remote servers/networks. Limitations 15 days trial… 

Protoport Proxy Chain 1.1 Protoport Proxy Chain 1.1
… o surf the Internet anonymously. Protoport Proxy Chain features Put up to 10 proxy servers in a single proxy chain Automatically rank proxy servers, so the fastest one will be used more frequently. Use random proxy servers Verify proxy serv… 

Happy Browser 1.03 Happy Browser 1.03
… cookies,network tools(Ping,Traceroute,Finger,Whois),execute Script(JavaScript,JScript,VBScript),setup page background color,external tools,plug-in support,The application is easy to use,more quickly, and with less memory,support online update.… 

007 Proxy Finder 2.5 007 Proxy Finder 2.5
… t a click of a "Find" button. Fresh - All are fresh proxy servers lists that be updated every day even every minute. Limitations Nag-screen Save proxy list feature is disasbled… 

JurikSoft Socks Proxy Provider 1.0 JurikSoft Socks Proxy Provider 1.0
…  Socket or TcpClient object. The selected object will be connected to a certain host and will be initialized in case of necessity. This .NET component was developed using .NET Framework versions 1.1 and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003.… 

eTopping Proxy Changer 1.0 eTopping Proxy Changer 1.0
… ite-owner is sure that it s not you visiting the site but quite different person probably from another country. Proxy Changer is a plug-in for Internet Explorer making the proxy-servers easier to use. It makes possible to work with the list of sev… 

RealTime Cookie & Cache Cleaner 3 RealTime Cookie & Cache Cleaner 3
… ache Cleaner again takes the lead, bringing to you everything you need to protect yourself online - or even clean up your internet usage habits. All major areas where information can be hiding have been attended to. Requirements Internet Explorer… 

PPPshar Accelerator PPPshar Accelerator
…  ? Browser Cache: When a Web page is requested, it is saved to disk. If it is required again, the disk copy is used. This technique is used in all web browsers such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. PPPshar Accelerator Cache: In a proxy cache like PPPshar Accelerator, users reques… 

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