proprompter software shareware downloads

Search results for «proprompter software»:

ProPrompter Software 3.0 ProPrompter Software 3.0
… Cut and paste scripts from any word processing application Presentation Mouse, scroll mouse and keyboard support for scrolling Toll-free technical support Full screen view Works with Avid iNews or any text file. Limitations 15 days trial.… 

ASI FrontDesk 5.2 ASI FrontDesk 5.2
…  software, general purpose hospitality software, hotel accounting software, hotel accommodation software, hotel property management software (pms)and as hotel booking software and as software for online hotel reservation Limitations 45 days trial… 

Restaurology 8.7 Restaurology 8.7
… e, free design menu software for restaurant, pos restaurant software, chinese restaurant software, restaurant menu making software, restaurant management software, payroll restaurant software, restaurant book keeping software? Restaurology is it.… 

ActiveQuality Iso 9000 Software 2.7 ActiveQuality Iso 9000 Software 2.7
… gement software, Standards Management Systems software, Nonconformance software, ohsas-18000 software, project management software, quality management software, risk management software, Safety and Health Management Software Sarbanes Oxley software,… 

Software Gun 1.1 Software Gun 1.1
… ts. Includes links to over 100 software submission sites on the Internet. This program does not do all the work for you, like some more expensive programs, but only helps to ease the job of manually submitting your software to distribution sites.… 

Software Catalog 2.4.1 Software Catalog 2.4.1
… ion, application web sites, upgrade information, the date you last checked for a software update, and much more. Let Software Catalog help you keep all your software up to date.… 

Software and Order Administration Software and Order Administration
… l information of your software. Administrate BUGs of your software. Administrate versions of your software. Administrate customers of your software. Send Email to one or more customers base on a template. View sales stats of your software.… 

All My Software 1.6 free All My Software 1.6 free
… at allows you to inventory your software. "All My Software" will also make it easier to send messages to developer's support teams by utilizing a simple "single mouse-click" contact facility. Limitations 30 Day trial, Limited MS Excel export… 

All-in-One Invoice Software 1.1.2 All-in-One Invoice Software 1.1.2
… . This affordable, user-friendly software is easy-to-use and intuitive that applies the Inventory business logic to your data. It gathers and stores essential business data intelligently and helps businesses with their day-to-day decision-making.… 

DGard Software Compliance Manager 1.5 DGard Software Compliance Manager 1.5
… use Get the reports you need quickly with One-Click Reporting Import Active Directory Users and Computers to get started fast Leverage Custom Fields to store the information you need Define your own licensing methods Limitations 30 day trial… 

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