PDFform 1.2
PDFform is a dll you use to get the complete formfields with the all main attributes and the values out of your pdf-files.
PDFform is a dll you use to get the complete formfields with the all main attributes and the values out of your pdf-files.
To do this you can use three ways:
You can use it with all well known ides (.NET-IDEs, too!).
Try it with Visual Basic, VBA, Delphi, C, C++, ...
Examples in Delphi, VB6 and VB2005Express are included for a quick start!
you can formfield values can use

Download PDFform 1.2
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Authors software
PDFtext 2.3
Ingo Schmoekel
PDFtext is a dll that you can use to extract the complete text-content out of your pdf-files.
PDF-IndexCut 1.0
Ingo Schmoekel
PDF-IndexCut will help you if you need a fast web access for your online-documents.
PDFform 1.2
Ingo Schmoekel
PDFform is a dll you use to get the complete formfields with the all main attributes and the values out of your pdf-files.
PDFlayout Plus 1.0
Ingo Schmoekel
PDFlayout Plus is the right tool to extract all layout-properties (listed below) from pdf-files.
PDF DLL BasePack 1.1
Ingo Schmoekel
PDF DLL BasePack is a tool that can be used with all well known ides (.
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PDFform 1.2
Ingo Schmoekel
PDFform is a dll you use to get the complete formfields with the all main attributes and the values out of your pdf-files.
PDFtext 2.3
Ingo Schmoekel
PDFtext is a dll that you can use to extract the complete text-content out of your pdf-files.
PDF DLL BasePack 1.1
Ingo Schmoekel
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PDF-IndexCut 1.0
Ingo Schmoekel
PDF-IndexCut will help you if you need a fast web access for your online-documents.
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Clipboard History 1.0
Greatis Software
Clipboard History is a useful text clipboard monitor utility that comes with clip history support.
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