operation system shareware downloads

Search results for «operation system»:

AutoBatch It! 2.17 AutoBatch It! 2.17
… e or preset multipliers - Create thumbnail images - Convert images to JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG and GIF - Save Progressive JPEG - Change JPEG Quality, Smoothing ratio and Dot Per Inch (DPI) - Add Prefix and Suffix Limitations 21 days trial… 

SSI Model Railway Control System 3.0 SSI Model Railway Control System 3.0
… ort (extended desktops) Loco Decoder programming support - including graphical setting of speed curves Train describer functionality Ability to create your own graphic and colour sets Networked clock (including fast operation) Improved timetabli… 

MetaProducts Collection 1.0 MetaProducts Collection 1.0
… ient system tray access to your favorite applications and folders and quick access to the folders you use most often in standard folder dialogs. Award-winning MP Collection applications have an easy to use Windows Explorer type user interface.… 

FSet 8.1 FSet 8.1
… t the binded operation, you simply double click the icon. Other functions of FSet include UnZip, File Split and Combine. FSet features Open Zip File In Tree and List View. Split and Combine Large Files. Create Self-Extract Zip Files.… 

Small Operation Center 1.2 b051106 Small Operation Center 1.2 b051106
… software. It has built-in HSQL database engine and a centralized monitor. Monitor utilization and receive syslog from multiple hosts or monitor through GPRS network from you phone. Requirements Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 5… 

Image Operation 1.2 Image Operation 1.2
… ect, Emboss, Equalize, FlipImage, GammaCorrect, InvertAlpha, Mirror, Negative, Noisify, PixPixelize, ReplaceColours, Rotate, Saturate, Scale, ScaleColour, Sharpen, SwapColours, Wave, Convert, Luminance, Monochrome, Sheer, Diffuse, Margin, Turn, Zoom.… 

CADutility 1.51 CADutility 1.51
… g, trialware version will be in operation for 45 days, after which the commands of this status will automatically switch off. Significant novelty of this version is its multilingual property. This version is out in both Croatian and English language.… 

Adragon Firewall 7 Adragon Firewall 7
…  colors. Jump to the soure/destination file displayed in the log property page.(double click) All the functions available for normal users. Edit any system rule. Add Registry based rules. Specify a program rather than * as the source of a rule.… 

Cool Captions 3.1 Cool Captions 3.1
… peg, wmv); customizable play lists; add multiple files and whole folders; support for multiple configurations. Limitations Limited to 30 days.… 

CalculatorX 1.2 build 0418 CalculatorX 1.2 build 0418
…  reference for input Base-N(2,8,10,16) results show Expressions manager support Requirements VB6 Runtime DLL Limitations 30 executions or 30 days Some options are disabled… 

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