Oceantiger's Editor 3.6
Oceantiger's Editor is a useful editor utility that has builtin tools that can generate java and html code, and many tools to help in the writing of code, so that you can write more code in less time.
Oceantiger's Editor is a useful editor utility that has builtin tools that can generate java and html code, and many tools to help in the writing of code, so that you can write more code in less time. It has color highlighting for java, html, perl, php, xml and css documents and posibility to define your own color highlighting languages. It is also an IDE for java where you can compile, debug and run java from the program.
The debugging feature lets you keep track of variable values in an easy and clear way.
Class wizard that makes it easier to write classes.
You type in the name of the class and the datamember names , and the wizzard generates the find (and set) functions,the toString function and a constructor for you (see tutorial for more info) (java).
When you compile from the editor you get a list of error messages (if any), and clicking on one of them makes the editor jump to the error line (java). You get a custom run window when running dos applications, so you can go back in the output and study it (java).
Keeping track of variable values with the builtin debugging features (java).
Code completion displayes a list of available functions and datamembers for a defined java object, and available parameters for html tags (see tutorial and screenshots for more information). Auto completion, can finishes the code for you.That is you type e.g. the do keyword and the editor generates the while part etc (see tutorial for more info) (java).
Java, html, perl, php, xml, css predefined code color highlighting. You can also define your own languages that you would like color highlighting for. Autosave feature.
You can export source code to HTML and RTF (with color highlighting, see tutorial). When printing you can get a print preview. You can have as many documents open at a time as you like, and there is no limit on how big the source files can be
you can color highlighting see tutorial for more and the the editor for you generates the more info you get info java you type tutorial for

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Authors software
Oceantiger jDeveloper 3.2
Oceantiger Software
All in one highly customizable and powerful java, html, css, php and xml editor.
Oceantiger's Editor 3.6
Oceantiger Software
Oceantiger's Editor is a useful editor utility that has builtin tools that can generate java and html code, and many tools to help in the writing of code, so that you can write more code in less time.
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Oceantiger Software
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