nrComm Lib 7.02
The nrComm Lib includes some components, classes and routines useful for work with data and voice modems, barcode scanners, serial port devices and speech conversion and other communication tasks.
The nrComm Lib includes some components, classes and routines useful for work with data and voice modems, barcode scanners, serial port devices and speech conversion and other communication tasks.
It includes a TnrComm component for RS232 serial port, TnrCommTAPI component for work with TAPI devices (ordinary data modems and voice modems).
TnrZModem component for common file transfer protocol support. TnrBarCodeScan component for bar code scanners.
TnrWave component with wide functions for sound playing, recording and redirecting. TnrSpeech component for text to speech conversion SAPI.
nrComm Lib features
component for tnrcommtapi component tnrzmodem component with wide speech conversion serial port for work work with and voice voice modems nrcomm lib

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