MMD Logger with GDI Tool 2.0
MMD Logger with GDI tool is windows console-like program designed to log, save and analyze debug messages.
MMD Logger with GDI tool is windows console-like program designed to log, save and analyze debug messages.
It helps C/C++ programmers debug and profile their code. With MMD logger you can easily control program flow, time and memory consuming etc.
Debug features are switching on/off by defininig/undefining one parameter and no additional code is generated when logging is off. GDI tool reports GDI object creation and deletion, GDI memory leaks, and GDI function failures.
If you write any program that uses Windows GDI functions, such as CreateBrush, CreatePen, LoadBitmap, GetDC etc, GDI tool will help you to avoid wasting memory by reporting undeleted objects.
Version 2.0 features :
gdi tool new message mmd logger

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MMD Logger with GDI tool is windows console-like program designed to log, save and analyze debug messages.
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