microsoft jsharp runtime 2 0 shareware downloads
Search results for «microsoft jsharp runtime 2 0»:
Manage Invest 2008.9
… tion display with minimum 256 colours.
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime 8.0
Microsoft JSharp Runtime 2.0
Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0
50-use trial…
Vistascript Developer 1.0
… t. Callbacks are dynamically assigned after controls have been loaded.
A version of the Vistascript runtime is planned for the Microsoft WPF/E browser plugin during the summer of 2006.
Dotnet runtime 2.0
30 day trial…
JSQLConnect 5.54
… Servlets, EJBs, JSPs and applets. JSQLConnect is Sun certified J2EE 1.4 compliant.
Java Runtime Environment,
Microsoft SQL Server…
Spire.Designer 1.3.0
… ile, Customizable designer features.
Standard and 3rd party components supporting, nested controls supporting
Dynamic component information Tool tip in runtime design.
Pure .NET component written in 100% manged C#
.NET FrameWork…
Excelsior JET for Windows 7.2
… pplications. Installation of the JRE on end-user machines is not required.
Excelsior JET Optimizer and Runtime are certified Java Compatible on a number of Microsoft Windows and Linux (IA-32) platforms.
1.1GB disk space, 384MB RAM…
Object Inspector 1.55
… ctor
ready-to-use inspector control for changing Window colors
small and clean projects illustrating the features of the inspectors and TPropertyInterface
Source codes
full source code of all components and useful internal classes…
ADO Dynamic LookupField Agent for Delphi/BCB 1.5
… ir fields .
2.Dynamic constructing lookup fields at runtime.
3.Batch loading lookup items from a specific table or XML file .
4.Support direct SQL statement parsing when using queries.
5.Pure ADO API implementation for field generation.…
JEXECreator 1.9.3
… features
Java Runtime Environment auto detection
Errors handling
Fully localizable messages of the executable
Class path solutions
Any icon of your choice for your executable
Execute Java applications with any current directory
and more!…
MFader ActiveX control 1.2
… tudio 6.0
 - Microsoft Visual Studio 97
 - Microsoft Office 2000
 - Microsoft Office 97
 - Microsoft FrontPage
 - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
 - Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
 - Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0…
VB-PowerWrap 4.5
… pendant files, including graphics, databases & more. No setup/installation to run.
Powerful compression creates the smallest .exe possible. Registers appropriate controls on end user's machine if needed. Visual Basic 4, 5 or 6 required.…
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