level application shareware downloads
Search results for «level application»:
NeoExec Professional 1.0
… ted privileges to run as the privileges are granted to the application, not the user.
NeoExec® gives you better control over:
Legacy applications
Junior Administrators
Laptop users
Surfing the web and reading email…
GammaLaunch 1.1
… ll automatically return the gamma level back to its previous setting.
GammaLaunch is compatible with all popular 3D graphics cards, and has has been tested with NVidia GeForce2, GeForce3, GeForce4 and 3Dfx Voodoo3.
Limitations 15-day trial…
Hide Folder Now 2.0
… can be used to hide a folder in the Microsoft Windows 2000/XP operating system.
Once setuped, you can hide as many folders as you want, the hidden folders will remain invisible to the system and oher programs untial you explicitly unhide it.…
SoundWheel 1.2.1
… and subwoofers where they sound best.
No need to limit the possible placement by the length of your hand. From now on, you can control the volume easily with your mouse wheel, and from any Windows application.
30 days trial…
Magic of recent documents
… system improving access to
recent documents.
The program "Magic of recent documents" only improves the standard system of search of recent documents,
but does not substitute it. You can use both old way, and more advanced way.
Magic of r…
TRW 2000 1.23
… rivers, VxDs, etc...) including other system-level debuggers, SoftICE/W, WDEB386!!!
Pop-up copyright window.
SabaBrowse 1.0
… of) source code available.
SABAbrowse is a Web application build on Struts. The user interface (JSP files) and a part of the rest of the application are delivered as source code. SABAbrowse can so easily be customized to fit the users needs.…
ArintE Level Better 2.03.635
… ut now, with ArintE Level Better! times are changing!
With Level Better! your Microsoft(R) Project will calculate shortest schedules possible! And so it becomes even more useful and powerful now in absolutely any area of project Management!…
… d management of network traffic loads. Allesta's Connection Limiting Module lowers cost by optimizing speed and performance of your public site while providing protection against DDoS, virus, and other malignant traffic.
15 days trial…
Advanced Password Generator 3.58
… . All passwords can be printed.
Processor: 486/Pentium
RAM: 16 Mb
HDD: 311 Kb
30 days trial
unregistred version can show only 30 items
nag screen…
Related: level application application level level 1 3x0 102 level level for