keylogger killer shareware downloads

Search results for «keylogger killer»:

Keylogger Killer 1.5 Keylogger Killer 1.5
… sently being developed worldwide. It is based on artificial intelligence algorithms, does not reply on signature matching. So it may work on new or unknown types of key logging and activity monitoring programs. Limitations Limited to 15 days.… 

All-In-One Keylogger Pro 2.0 All-In-One Keylogger Pro 2.0
… ogram is absolutely invisible to everyone except you. You will only have to press the unhide key combination to show the All-In-One Keylogger; keylogger has small size. Therefore it consumes less system resourses; Limitations Limited to 10 days.… 

Keylogger Stopper 2 Keylogger Stopper 2
… able them by blocking and crippling their hooking processes. This will ensure that all keyloggers will give an empty output in their secretly recorded file no matter how many keyloggers are running on your PC. Limitations 15 days trial… 

Family Keylogger 4.80 Family Keylogger 4.80
… e). Install Family Keylogger, set options "Start in hidden mode" and "Hide in task list", so that it makes itself invisible to anyone. After you return, you can just press keystroke to unhide. Family Keylogger - You have the right to Know!… 

Ultra Keylogger 1.5 Ultra Keylogger 1.5
… ng computer user does; and this program is absolutely invisible to everyone except you. You will only have to press the unhide key combination to show the Ultra Keylogger; keylogger has small size. Therefore it consumes less system resourses;… 

Elite Keylogger 4.9 Elite Keylogger 4.9
… ecretly saving all the recordings in a hidden location only you know about, all the logs are encrypted and cannot be viewed by anyone but you. Limitations 7 day trial Nag screen… 

XTS keylogger 2.01 XTS keylogger 2.01
… cords everything as it happens Records online and offline activity Search through the data with the easy to use interface Also takes Screenshots Home edition and Office edition available Runs on MicroSoft Windows Limitations 5 days trial… 

Invisible Keylogger 3.7 Invisible Keylogger 3.7
… . During monitoring sessions Invisible Keylogger can be customized to be completely invisible and cannot be seen in the task manager, programs files menu, system tray or uninstall list. With Invisible Keylogger running all information will be capture… 

3D Killer Whales 1.0 3D Killer Whales 1.0
… s a beautiful screensaver that displays on your screen 3 dimensional killer whales. Contains real killer whale sounds. Sound can be muted. A wonderful gift for ocean lovers. Contains animated gif images and sound file Limitations 7 days… 

KeyLogger Mask 1 KeyLogger Mask 1
… KeyLogger Mask enables you to safely store your usernames, passwords and other information required to securely log onto fin… 

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