JPEGInfo 1.0
JPEGInfo is a COM component which will enable the programmer to simply extract, update and add keywords, categories, author, and other information to JPEG files.
JPEGInfo is a COM component which will enable the programmer to simply extract, update and add keywords, categories, author, and other information to JPEG files.
JPEGinfo can be used from any Windows development environment that supports COM. JPEGinfo provides a simple - but powerful - interface that is easily integrated into an existing or new solution.
For instance, JPEGinfo could be integrated into a photosite to extract keywords from images upon upload - making them searchable using a SQL-server. JPEGinfo could even be used to add keywords and other information using a custom web interface.
jpeginfo could integrated into other information and other add keywords

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JPEGInfo 1.0
Port Jackson Computing
JPEGInfo is a COM component which will enable the programmer to simply extract, update and add keywords, categories, author, and other information to JPEG files.
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