jobs data shareware downloads

Search results for «jobs data»:

Family Job Jar 2.2 Family Job Jar 2.2
…  Jobs are rated by priority. Users draw a job and credit is given to them for that job. The program keeps track of who does what and how much. Print report of jobs chosen and the date and who chose them. View a pie chart of jobs finished.… 

Print Censor ME 1.0 Final Print Censor ME 1.0 Final
… ve your money with help of information of printed jobs, which will give you Print Censor ME! Changes in Current Version: [*] Some improvements. [*] Now you can see size for network print jobs. [*] Registration fixed. [*] Help file updated. Pr… 

VISTA Jobs Icons 1.0 VISTA Jobs Icons 1.0
… hat need an ineteresting way for arranging their contacts. Sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16 pixels Formats: PNG-GIF-ICO-BMP Color Depth: WinXP 32 Bits, 8 bits (256) Color States: - Normal: Normal color - Hot: Contras… 

EZ-Jobs Tracker 1.30.11 EZ-Jobs Tracker 1.30.11
… job-search activities. Job Search Tracker allows the job seeker to accelerate the process of searching and make it more efficient. It makes the job search process less stressful, more comfortable, and more productive. Limitations 15 days trial… 

Teratrax Job Scheduler 1.0.1 Teratrax Job Scheduler 1.0.1
… r Schedule jobs to run SQL batches and stored procedures locally and remotely Receive e-mail notification when jobs run or when jobs fail View job execution metrics instantly with duration and resulting messages Limitations 7 days trial… 

Express Agent 2.2 Express Agent 2.2
… vers Can export jobs to file and import jobs from a file. Good for shipping jobs to a client site Wizard for creating a regular database backup job Wizard for creating database maintenance job (e.g. rebuild indexes) Limitations 7 day trial… 

Schedule Equipment to Batch Jobs 1.0 Schedule Equipment to Batch Jobs 1.0
…  accommodates holidays, maintenance periods and weekly work days when tracking the progress of each job in the queue for up to 6 months. The spreadsheets are available in sizes to track 5 or 10 employees or processes to 20 different tasks or batches.… 

Process Schedulers 1.0 Process Schedulers 1.0
… lers features Schedules people to up to 20 consecutive tasks. Schedules batch processes to up to 20 consecutive jobs. Calculates the start and stop time for each job. Lets you change the order in which the jobs are to be performed. Allows you to… 

CZ Print Job Tracker 10 CZ Print Job Tracker 10
… the printed jobs and deleted jobs in a user-defined time frame. Easy Access Point. Provides easy access to the Printer Folder where you can add, remove, configure local and network printers. Easy Export. Allows to export all or partial print jobs data as Excel, HTML, and Text file. Easy Da… 

VistaRunner 6.0 Beta 1 VistaRunner 6.0 Beta 1
… d definitely too expensive. It shouldn't be necessary to learn a new programming script language to test software or automate a basic task. It takes fewer steps and less time to create new automation jobs in VistaRunner than in any competing product.… 

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