Innovasys ExplorerBar 1.2.122
ExplorerBar is an ActiveX component which was designed after the 'Taskbar' navigation menu bar introduced in Windows XP.
ExplorerBar is an ActiveX component which was designed after the 'Taskbar' navigation menu bar introduced in Windows XP. An ExplorerBar provides a visually attractive and versatile way to present a grouped list of options. Common usage scenarios would include providing access to multiple areas of an application or presenting multiple 'pages' of information.
An ExplorerBar is a visually appealing, modern looking alternative to an 'Outlook Bar' or 'Tab Strip' control, particularly where there are several logical groups of options to display, as the ExplorerBar can show many groups at once whilst still making effective use of screen space.
Here are some key features of "ExplorerBar":
the explorerbar and group group headers for the color and the item and expand formatting the the groupitem collapse and support for group items headers can

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Innovasys ExplorerBar 1.2.122
Innovasys Ltd
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