HS FTP Client C Source Library 1.0
HS FTP Client C Source Library offers you a software library in C (supplied with full source code) that implements the client side of the File Transfer Protocol over TCP socket layer according to RFC 959.
HS FTP Client C Source Library offers you a software library in C (supplied with full source code) that implements the client side of the File Transfer Protocol over TCP socket layer according to RFC 959. The library allows a user application to connect to remote FTP servers, traverse server directory structure and send and receive files. The HS FTP protocol module supports passive mode data connections, user / password authentication and a number of commonly used FTP commands: USER, PASS, TYPE, PASV, LIST, CWD, RETR, STOR.
To connect to remote FTP server, the user application calls HsFtpCliConnect function, supplying connection parameters, such as remote FTP server name or IP address, username and password for authentication etc. It also supplies a pointer to callback function that the HS FTP module uses to communicate with the user code.
When the control FTP connection is established and HS FTP has successfully passed user / password FTP account authentication phase, the user application is asynchronously notified via user event callback function with HS_FTPCLI_USR_EV_LOGGEDIN event.
At this point, the user application can request remote FTP server directory listing using HsFtpCliList function, request to change current directory at remote FTP server with HsFtpCliChDr function or transfer binary files to and from remote FTP server with HsFtpCliSendFile and HsFtpCliGetFile functions.
The result of each operation is asynchronously notified via event callback with corresponding events.
HS FTP Client C Source Library features
remote ftp ftp server ftp client user application the user user password server name callback function asynchronously notified server with event callback notified via retr stor

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