history microsoft shareware downloads

Search results for «history microsoft»:

Belkasoft MSN History Extractor 1.01 Belkasoft MSN History Extractor 1.01
… , select the time period of interest, filter received or sent messages. It is also possible to customize the way HTML will looks like. MSN versions 7.0 and later are supported. Limitations Imports only 10 events per contact 10 day trial… 

EMCO History Cleaner 1.0 EMCO History Cleaner 1.0
… y cleaner Netscape History Cleaner Recent files history cleaner Registry cleaner Powerful tasks scheduler Support to use plug-ins for your tasks Support to use scripts to clear history Log messages. Limitations 15 days trial.… 

Belkasoft IE History Extractor 2.01 Belkasoft IE History Extractor 2.01
… uirements Belkasoft IE History Extractor can be installed on any computer running Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Windows 98. Limitations only first 100 events are listed Softped… 

LogCleaner 5.8 LogCleaner 5.8
… an 70 FREE plug-ins which supports the most popular programs such as ACDSee, Photoshop, Acrobat, Microsoft Office, Real Player, Media Player and many others. Once deleted with LogCleaner your file data is gone forever and can not be recovered.… 

Employment History for ACT! 8.0 Employment History for ACT! 8.0
… T! features Associate chronological employment history with contacts. Enter work period ( start date, end date ) for every company associated with contact New tab "EMPLOYMENT HISTORY" is added to contact layout Usefull for recruitment agencies… 

1-ACT Evidence Remover 2006 1.0 1-ACT Evidence Remover 2006 1.0
… osoft Internet Explorer AutoComplete memory of form posts and passwords Microsoft Internet Explorer Cookies (Selective cookie keeping for versions 5 and above) Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet components (Selective keeping of components) ยท… 

Tracks Eraser 5.1 Tracks Eraser 5.1
…  Erase QuickTime playlist history Erase Microsoft Office recent files list Erase Winzip recent extract files list Erase Acrobat recent files list Limitations 15 days trial… 

History Collector Pro 1.71 History Collector Pro 1.71
… ts of files. History Collector Pro has a capability to import/export the history. E.g., this will let you take your history home when you leave your work. After importing, the history will be available for viewing on your home computer. In the In… 

ICQ Cryptor 1.22b ICQ Cryptor 1.22b
… your ICQ History from any file manager via "magic" F3 (view) button. ICQ does not encrypt history files and you can worry about your chatting log forever... or can turn off your EVENT LOG HISTORY with everybody or with somebody in ICQ setting.… 

Belkasoft Yahoo! Messenger History Extractor Pro 2.01 Belkasoft Yahoo! Messenger History Extractor Pro 2.01
…  in your Yahoo! Messenger history? Not a problem any more! Belkasoft also provides history extractors for other Internet Messengers such as ICQ, Miranda, MSN, &RQ and so on. Limitations Imports 10 events per contact for a trial period of 10 days… 

Related: history microsoft  history log  history your  act history  history.dat