Hello World as ActiveX (with source) 1.2
Hello World is the first software a person usually writes when learning a new programming language.
Hello World is the first software a person usually writes when learning a new programming language.
Do you want to create the yourself ActiveX? Can I help you? This is the template ActiveX for yours. It does not use MFC. It does'nt use ATL. It is the easiest ActiveX on the C++ (It has one method (message box) and not has any events).
"Hello World" as ActiveX (with source code)! You may download the binary file (FREE). You can Buy the source code! (3 files + make.bat) HelloWorld.cpp - There are the routine ActiveX functions and it has the interface for regsvr32.exe. They are equal in different ActiveX!
Download Hello World as ActiveX (with source) 1.2
Download Hello World as ActiveX (with source) 1.2
Purchase: Buy Hello World as ActiveX (with source) 1.2
Authors software
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You have 2 lines on the write and you have 4 lines on the read.
Hello World as ActiveX (with source) 1.2
Computron Inc.
Hello World is the first software a person usually writes when learning a new programming language.
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Computron Inc.
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Hello World as ActiveX (with source) 1.2
Computron Inc.
Hello World is the first software a person usually writes when learning a new programming language.
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