free download mobile antiyirus shareware downloads
Search results for «free download mobile antiyirus»:
ExtraSMS 1.7
… a mobile phone.
This download is marked as adware because it displays advertisement banners or other type of commercials while running.…
SoftGlobalPhone 2.4.0
… stered phone numbers you want to be called up on. This software is directly downloaded into your mobile through an SMS if the phone supports Java and WMA. Take your service with you, where ever you go in the world.
.NET framework 1.1…
Mobile Media Center Express 2.01
… nd easy to find with the search function.
Send music and photos from your PC or smartphone to any e-mail address.
MMC Express operates with nearly all smartphones.
Mobile phone with dataplan required
14 days trial…
Java Multimedia for Mobile Editor 1.01
… sor 1GHz or higher, Windows NT, 2 or XP, 256 MB recommended of free available system RAM
JRE (Java Runtime Environement) or JSE (Java Standard Edition) version 1.5.0_xx or higher
Sun Java Wireless Toolkit (WTK) for CLDC, version WTK 2.3 or higher…
Dextar Mobile Business Assistant 1.1
… ss Assistant features
Dextar makes a data connection to your existing business software
Accept the pre-set functions and/or create your own
Point, Click, Save and GO to place it on your mobile device
Data synchronization is managed automatically… 3.0.1
… ity to automatically receive appointment reminders from their Microsoft Outlook Calendar on their mobile phone. The service is easy to use and the perfect complement to your mobile phone.
The service is free to try for one month…
Magic Wallpaper 5.2.2
… ustomer Care department.
This download is marked as adware because it displays advertisement banners or other type of commercials while running.…
Mobile Grades 1.1
… f Technology
Washington University (St. Louis)
Cornell University
Maryland University
New York University
Princeton University
George Washington University
You need to purchase a service key to enable the text messaging feature…
SIMSOR Desktop
… device or send it to your friends, send pictures as mobile greeting cards to your sweetheart, send any file (ringtones, videos, games) to any mobile recipient, save SMS reminders and never forget anything wherever you are.
5 sms free…
AudioGizmo Ringtone Creator 2.0.5
… one to our servers and remains there for 24 hours. Does not require any wires or cables, although it does provide you with this option.
Small download, low memory footprint, very fast execution.
Supports ID3 tags (supported by most newer phones).…
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