FlyGrid.Net is a fast, lightweight and highly customizable Windows.Forms Tree/Grid control which completely manages the data interface (bound and unbound), offering outstanding power and flexibility to browse, edit, add, delete and manipulate tabular and hierarchical data.
With far more features for speed and option control, FlyGrid.Net outclasses monster Windows.
FlyGrid.Net is a software that allows you edit data.
Forms third party Tree/Grid tools, which are notorious for being difficult to customize.
The key feature of FlyGrid.Net is its small size (about 300 Kb) and high speed data processing (100, nodes addition in 0.2 sec), while maintaining the same feature set of other grids.
Features in FlyGrid.Net include flexible design time editors, the fastest node management (addition, clearing, sorting), extended cell block selection, split view capability so users can split the grid into separated split views which can all be resized, full support of RightToLeft, and numerous drag and drop options.
FlyGrid.Net works in bound and unbound modes, connecting with several types of data sources with provisions for non DB-bound data and IList implementors. Developers can create, edit, delete, expand and collapse master/detail views at design time, and detail grids function independently or can automatically synchronize with one another.
FlyGrid.Net fully supports XP themes. The hierarchical view is so flexible that the grid can be used as a faster and more convenient replacement of TreeView and ListView (details mode) control.
FlyGrid.Net Column component has four types of editor styles – simple, dropdown, dialog and spin, and allows images in column headers and sorting which can fit to header caption or contents of column.
Developers can use a wide range of additional column types or create their own column types using one of the basic types of columns, implementing custom dropdowns (any Windows.Forms control), or custom drawing and keyboard/mouse handling for processing of custom data.
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9Rays.Net Inc
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