eTrans 1.1.0
eTrans is a 4th Dimension component that offers a simple and consistent interface to online credit card authorization service providers.
eTrans is a 4th Dimension component that offers a simple and consistent interface to online credit card authorization service providers.
Using eTrans, 4th Dimension developers can build credit card authorization services into their 4D databases in a few minutes (not including the time necessary to set up a merchant account with the appropriate service provider).
Using eTrans, a 4D developer can create a transaction with a single method, add any desired information to that transaction, and process it with another method call. The only thing left to do is parse and store the transaction results! BASh (which is required for all of the components) provides many parsing routines to make that job easy for the developer as well.
In addition, eTrans supports both credit card and eCheck transactions through the Authorize.Net and PlanetPayment services.
The exchange rate API available from PlanetPayment and WorldPay, and fully supported in eTrans, are particularly useful. With these APIs, it is a simple matter for a developer to integrate up to date exchange rates for all financial transactions in 4D applications. No other developer tool provides this level of functionality within 4th Dimension.
Currently, eTrans supports the following online credit card authorization services:
credit card 4th dimension card authorization etrans supports for all authorize net using etrans online credit authorization services

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