eHex 1.1
eHex is a powerful tool built as a full-featured binary editor for Windows.
eHex is a powerful tool built as a full-featured binary editor for Windows.
It is modeled after the 'binary' edit mode of Microsoft's Visual Studio and offers many of the same features.
Anyone who has ever tried to search for the ASCII string "20" in the binary mode of Visual Studio should appreciate the former.
Anyone who has ever tried to copy a sequence of bytes from Visual Studio into engineering documentation or email should appreciate the latter. eHex lets you copy byte sequences from text files into a binary file and paste binary data as text into normal text editors.
visual studio should appreciate appreciate the ever tried who has anyone who the binary has ever

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eHex 1.1
eHex is a powerful tool built as a full-featured binary editor for Windows.
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eHex is a powerful tool built as a full-featured binary editor for Windows.
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