document editing shareware downloads

Search results for «document editing»:

Sydock XML Document Processor 1.1 Sydock XML Document Processor 1.1
… wing for the complete control of a document representation for editing, including selecting separate parts or subsets of the document. It provides the possibility of creating several different representations of a document for different users.… 

InteliScan 1.0.3 InteliScan 1.0.3
… y installation Requirements Lotus Notes… 

RFC Explorer 3.0 RFC Explorer 3.0
… This is a RFC document browser. It is very convenient. You can load or find RFC document by the RFC document's subject and browse RFC document's content by directory list. You may add your current read line to bookmark.… 

Turbo Editor 3.0.200 Turbo Editor 3.0.200
… umber of open documents and document size, unlimited undo/redo, spell check, drag'n'drop text editing, regular expressions, macros, projects, many text editing tools, capability of starting tools, command line tools and DOS commands with capture outp… 

Knowbody Stamp It 4.0.6 Knowbody Stamp It 4.0.6
… t to your document automatically Add the username of the user who last saved the document Or add a complete log of all the users who have saved the document… 

XMLFox 3.0 XMLFox 3.0
… elp in understanding schemas will find the Schema Tree inestimable, and developers maintaining other schemas will save hours of learning time with this XML editor. XMLFox is extremely configurable and fast enough. Requirements .NET 2.0 framework… 

Alphatk 8.3.3 Alphatk 8.3.3
… mming languages. As well as being useful for creating and editing such documents, Alphatk provides a host of facilities for communicating with compilers, diff, patch, version control systems, ftp sites, web sites, etc. Limitations 45 days trial.… 

ActMask Document Converter CE 3.391 ActMask Document Converter CE 3.391
… atically, and then set as default output Document name. Create you own PDF Document Description (Title, Author, Subject, Keywords ...). 40 / 128 bits PDF encryption (security) support. PDF Version 1.2 - 1.5 support. PDF Document Restriction (Per… 

myrecentlist 1.40 myrecentlist 1.40
… that you do not need search a document in lots of folders and lots of folder levels now. Feel bad at so many folders and folder levels? try this now! Limitations 30 days trial… 

pdfMachine 15.40 pdfMachine 15.40
…  Custom toolbar Terminal Server Set Next Action Set Document properties Multiple Print Profiles / Multiple Printers Windows XP/Vista x64 drivers File embedding/attaching… 

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